Monday, November 7, 2011

Work Day a success!!!

     Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,  that is all I can say!!  I have been truly humbled by the help we received at the building.  I am thankful for the men and women who gave of their time to help us gut the building.  It was a huge success.  We started Saturday morning Nov. 5th at 8:00am and by 9:30am all of the demolition was complete.  We then spent the rest of the day, until 2:30pm, cleaning up and getting everything to the dumpster.  We had a lot of fun and fellowship.  The whole building has been gutted down to the bare stud walls.  The only thing left to do is a little more cleaning, sweeping, and pulling a few nails, then we are ready to start the rebuilding process.

     I am amazed at the support we received from the churches that came.  We had a total of 27 people representing four churches from the state of Indiana. These men gave up their Saturday to be a part of a filthy dirty demo job.  We had a lot of fun though.  It blesses my heart to see all these people supporting the work in Brownstown.  I am even more excited to get moving forward, and can't wait to be preaching from the pulpit of New Life MBC in Brownstown Indiana.

     Whats next?  Well there is a few great things that need to happen.  See all those stud walls they need insulation, drywall, electrical, paint.  Those floors we are standing on need leveled, cleaned, carpeted, and chairs put on them. In other words we have a lot of things to get done before we open doors to the public.  Most of all we need financial support to make all of this happen.  We need your prayers for God to provide the finances to complete this work. Our most pressing need right now is a roof.  The roof on this building is an old shake shingle roof.  It is developing a few leaks and needs to be replaced before the snow flies.  I know that God has already provided the finances to do this. I pray that you will be willing to give it up for his work!

       Keep us in your prayers as we labor here in Brownstown.  We pray that you will financially give support to help us complete this building.  Financial support can be sent to our sponsoring Church.  If you want to give a one time offering to help with the building expenses send a check to Redfield Missionary Baptist Church, P.O. Box 25, Redfield, AR 72132.  Mark on the memo of the Check Brownstown Building Fund.  We also need your monthly support and it can be sent to the same address marked Brownstown Monthly Support.  We want to say a very Humble Thank You for your prayers and support.

Bro. Mike

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

God Is Moving Mountains!

     It has been another great week working for the Master.  God has been moving mountains to clear the path for New Life MBC to get started.  We are getting great responses from the churches we are visiting.  God is casting the vision before the people.  We are praying for the churches to come on board financially, and prayerfully.

We had the opportunity to be with Brother Dan Dye and the members of Mt. Calvary MBC in Marion Ind. this weekend.  It is exciting to see what God is doing there.  They had 42 in attendance and baptised 2 in the morning service.  This church has been looking for this type of revival to happen for a long time.  God is answering their prayers. 

     We then headed to Faith Baptist Church in Greenwood Ind. to be with Brother Steve Maxie and his congregation to share the vision with them.  Brother Steve Maxie is a man that is focused on mission work.  They had exciting news from their faith promise commitments.  They are prayerfully considering who God will have them support in the mission works. 

     One thing I have learned as a member of a church is that it is exciting to see what God is doing in Missions all over the world.  As a member we get to see these exciting things happen when a missionary comes and shares their vision.  I never really put two and two together until I became one of those missionaries and got to travel around and see what God is also doing in the churches.  It is really exciting to see the churches on fire for serving our savior.  I have often said if we want to set the world on fire for God then we, as children of God, must get our hearts on fire for him.  I am thankful to see that this is what is going on in the churches we have visited.  Their hearts are on fire for God and it is spreading to the people in their communities.

    Our God Loves us, and keeps us on his mind continually.  If all people would understand how much he truly loves us, we could set the world on fire.  I have shared a message with most of the churches that I have visited that comes from the 139th Psalms  verses 17-18 talk.   They talk about how much God thinks of us.  In order to know how much God loves us, think of sand.  His thoughts of us are as numerous as all the grains of sand in the world.  Only God knows how many grains that is. 

     If you are ever wondering how much God thinks of just you, out of the millions of people in this world, think of Grains of sand.  If you can't grasp how much that is, get a Ziploc bag full of sand, wet the tip of your finger, lightly touch the sand, and then count how many grains are on your finger.  Almost impossible to number. Now think of all the grains of sand in the world, that is how much he thinks of you!!!  Exciting isn't it!!!!  Keep this thought in mind as you labor for your savior.

God Bless You

Brother Mike

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hands Working Together

     Working together is an awesome way to share the message of the cross.  Wow our travels this week took us to Bedford Indiana to be with Brother Tim Sumpter and his congregation.  We had a wonderful time with them and pray for God to press upon their hearts to support this work.  We had a great time of fellowship with them.  God is moving in many ways.  We left Bedford and Drove to the southern part of Indianapolis to be with Pastor Scott Mauldon and the members of Landmark Baptist Church.  God is doing great things at that church.  We pray that these churches will join hands with us in prayer to help spread the gospel message to the people of Brownstown.

     One of the biggest prayer request I had for the work in Brownstown was that we would be able to plant ourselves into the center of that town and be a light and help to the community.  I can now say that God is opening that door for us to plant firmly into Brownstown.  Last week I had an opportunity to talk with the chairman of the Brownstown revitalization committee.  Their plan is to revitalize Brownstown's downtown area.  The key area they are focusing in on is the city block where our building is located.  Our hope is to get involved with this process and be able to add valid input to what is happening to the proprieties next to the building.  In all of this discussion with this person it has become very clear that a few possible outcomes may happen.  One outcome is that we may be able to purchase proprieties next to our buildings for less then asking price, and have grants from the city to be able to repair or rebuild. Second outcome is that we may be able to see an increase in the value of our building making it easier to attain a newer, larger building in the future.  Third is that we may be able to receive grants to fix our building.  But the most important outcome is that we are going to be able to build positive relationships with the members of the Brownstown Community. 

     On November 5th we are having a work day to clean and gut the inside of our building.  We hope that you will be praying for us to get much accomplished.  Also be praying for us to have enough hands to complete this work quickly. 

     Thank you for reading this. Please feel free to pass this along to anyone who might be interested. Please keep praying for us as we travel and labor for the kingdom of God.

Bro. Mike

Monday, October 17, 2011

Great Fall weekend to travel.

     Well it is the time of year that I love to hate.  It is officially fall and the leaves are changing.  I love to see the colors that God paints this time of year, but I know that before too long the snow is going to start to fly.  I love fall for its beauty But I despise winter and the cold temps it brings.  I could live with the temperature changing but I do not like the snow and ice. 

     With the changing of the leaves it made for a beautiful weekend to travel.  The temperatures were cool, the sun was shining, and the colors were bright and crisp.  It just stands to remind me of God's wonderful creation.  We traveled to Sheridan Indiana Saturday to be with Brother Alan Schoeff  and the work there.  They hosted the Fall festival of faith on Saturday where I was able to give a devotion and hear God's word preached by some dear friends of mine who pastor some of our sister Churches.  This festival was an opportunity to hear what God is doing in the churches of Indiana.  What an awesome time it was. 

     Sunday morning I had the chance to present what God is doing in Brownstown to the people of Sheridan.  Then I had the opportunity to preach Gods word.  After the preaching service we had the privilege of watching Brother Alan baptise a young man and he and his wife joined the work there in Sheridan.  God is doing great things there.  Please continue to pray for Brother Alan and the people of Sheridan as God has them labor there.  Thank you Sheridan for your Love, prayers, and Love offering.  I pray that God will bless you for all you have done in making this weekend awesome.

    Well the deputation schedule keeps getting more and more filled up.  We added two more stops in November.  Praise God!!!!.  We now have only one more Sunday left in November to schedule and November Sunday's will be booked.  God is Good.

     We are still preparing for the work day to gut and clean the building that has been provided for us.  God is already providing workers to help in this task.  I believe if enough people show up it will only take us a few hours to fully tear out all that needs to go.  As this gets moving forward we are already going to be needing financial support to put everything back.  I fully believe God has already provided everything needed to get the building ready.  Please continue to pray for what God can use you to do in the way of financial support.  Please pray for that support to start flowing in so that this work can continue moving forward. 

     Also continue to pray for us as we travel, that God will guide and lead us safely to each destination. 

Brother Mike

Monday, October 10, 2011

Getting settled and making appointments

     Busy, busy, busy, that is what has been happening in the last week.  God has been working through these efforts.  I have spent the last week planning a work day at the building and getting deputation appointments made.  

     We have the key to the building and are making plans on November 5th to have a work day.  There is a lot of work needed to the building to get it ready to meet in.  First we have to gut the whole place to make room for a sanctuary.  Then we have to get it put back together.  We are asking all that can help to come on November 5th to lend a hand in tearing down walls and cleaning the mess up.

     I have been working all week to get appointments set for deputation.  So far I have somewhere to be every Sunday through the rest of the month.  Also November is starting to fill up.  Our schedule looks like this so far. October 15th - 16th we will be in Sheridan Indiana.  October 23rd we will be with Landmark in Bedford in the Morning and then Landmark In Indianapolis that evening.  Then October 29th and 30th we will be at Mt Calvery in Marion Indiana.  On the Evening of the 30th we will be at Faith Baptist Church In Greenwood Indiana.  We ask that you pray for these churches to catch the vision and support the work that God is doing in Brownstown.

     This week I hope to get with the town to verify what we need to continue to move forward.  Please pray for the town to be excited and open to what God is bringing to Brownstown.  I also ask that you pray for a family that we are in contact with, that God will continue to burden their hearts to be a part of this church.  This family is having a difficult time adjusting to a new life away from worldly influence.  My prayer is that God will give them courage and strength to carry forward.  Most of all I pray for God to convict the hearts of the naysayers to come to him in salvation.

     A little from my own heart;  I am praying that God will continue to show me the direction he is leading.  I want to be a tool used of him.  My prayer is that God will provide the finances to see this mission move forward, and to see lives changed through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  My desire is to teach the people of Brownstown about the joy that only comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

     I will be praying for all that are reading this and hope that you return the gesture and pray for the work that God is doing in Brownstown.  Have a wonderful week!!!

Bro. Mike

Monday, October 3, 2011

On you mark, Get Set, Go!

     Well this past Sunday I kicked off deputation with the church that has been called home to my family and I for the last year and a half.  Victory MBC has been a wonderful place to serve God.  They have been prayerfully supporting my family and I for many years.  This is the church that I surrendered to the full time Gospel ministry, and was ordained at.  Pastor Kenny Roberson has been a wonderful support to me personally for some time.  I am excited to see where God is leading Victory.  Please pray for them as they continue to minister to the people of Seymour, Ind.
     As I reflect on the past five to six years and what Victory MBC and I have been a part of, it has caused me to rejoice in what God has done through them to bring us to where we are today.   It is exciting to see God move in many ways. 

     I had a strange thing happen to me this week.  As I was getting ready to finish preperations on my sermon notes for Sunday morning, I turned on my computer and all my previous notes were gone, disappeared, vanished, no where to be found.  I panicked as this was at 10:30 Saturday night.  It left me wondering why this could have happened.  I thought that maybe it was God trying to tell me that wasn't what he wanted me to preach.  So I started a pot of coffee, set down and started to pray. After some time in prayer, I really felt that, that was the message that God wanted me to preach.  So I started the notes all over again.  I figured Satan didn't want me to preach that message because it was on people putting their faith into action through witnessing to others.  I must say I am glad I stuck with that sermon.  God truly blessed my heart, and used that message to challange me, and the people at Victory.

     As I was preaching Sunday morning a lady that was visiting Victory stopped me in the middle of my sermon to ask me a question concerning my conviction about spreading God's word in the workplace.  That was a first.  I answered her question. At the end of service she came to me and wanted to know more about My convictions and asked that my wife and I pay her a visit to talk some more.  She lives in Seymour but pray for her. I will be getting with her this week to share more.

     This weekend I had the oppurtunity to spend some time with some very dear friends.  These people have been a true blessing to my family and I.  The Long family invited us to a cookout on Saturday and what a blessing it was.  Their daughter Emily graduated last spring and this was an event to celebrate that  occasion.  It had been postponed 3 different times.
     Through this event I was able to make a great contact for the work in Brownstown.  There was a family of seven people there that I had the oppurtunity to talk to. They seem to be looking for a church in Brownstown that was grounded on God's word and not something to just make you feel good. God's timing is great.  The father gave me his contact information and asked me to stay in touch with him.  Pray for this family as they seek God's will. 

     Pray for us this week as we continue to make deputation appointments, and start making calls about the building renovations.  Thanks for reading and may God Bless your work week!

Bro. Mike

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sometimes its a juggling act!!

     Man sometimes I feel like I am in a juggling act in the circus!  God has a way of working these things out.  Last week I found that working, Church, School, Family, and starting a new ministry takes a lot of juggling. Trying to get use to doing all these things and still have time to study, can be really trying at times.  God is good in that he helps me to stay focused where he needs me to be. 

      I spent the greater part of my time last week working on my studies in school and getting accounts set up for the mission work.  All the little details that need to take place just to get started on deputation can be tedious, but necessary. 

     I am starting to schedule deputation appointments for October, November and December.  Our plan is to start Deputation by hitting Churches in Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, and Illinois first.  I will be staying Bi-vocational for a little while.  My plan is to visit as many as these churches up here in this area so I am not away from my Job.  It is our hope and prayers that within the next year we can move onto the field.  As plans unfold and God leads we will figure out a closer timeline.  We hope to be meeting for service by July to August time frame 2012. 

     We have the first appointment set for Oct. 2 at Victory MBC in Seymour, Ind.   This is the Church that has supported my family and I for the last several years.  Pastor Kenny has been a great blessing to me.  His knowledge and leadership have been immeasurable. It is only Fitting that I launch my first deputation stop with this Church.  Thanks Victory!!!

     What can you do to help us?  Pray, pray for us as we continue to seek God's guidance for everything.  Pray for Financial support. Pray for the Churches that we plan to visit, that they will see the vision we have for Brownstown and New Life Missionary Baptist Church.  But most of all pray for the people of Brownstown that their hearts will be prepared to hear and receive the message that New Life MBC will present.

Bro. Mike

Monday, September 19, 2011

New Expirences, New Beginnings, New Life!!

     Wow!!! What can I say but God is Good!!!!  Let me say, I am in awe at God's provision for the things we need.  This last week I have come to a deeper understanding of  when God calls us to do something, he has already equipped us with what we need. You see, God has provided us with the things we need to get this ministry going.  He just gives it to us in his time.  I am confident that he is in this, because of the things he has already done for us.  

     First, He provided us with a wonderful sponsoring Church, who has a heart to see that the needs get met.  In the first week of discussions, they have shown us the depth, desire and passion, to help this ministry grow.  This has been a learning experience from the start as we both have found out.  

     I know I can say on behalf of Redfield MBC, that we are thankful for the Missionaries and sending Churches that we have talked to. We have gleaned a lot of knowledge and information from them to get us started in the right direction.  The information that we have received has been a tremendous help, and we want to say a very heart felt Thank You! 

     Last week Pastor Micah and I did a lot of communicating over the phone.  I feel we got a lot accomplished.  Getting the announcement out about this exciting work  has been a priority, and one of our main focuses.  We are putting together an information packet to mail out to all the churches of the ABA.  This is a general announcement and a little information about what we hope to accomplish in Brownstown, Ind.  People have already stepped up to help get this done.  As we were looking to get this information printed up God lead us to a gentleman who offered to help us print up the flyer's, saving us a considerable amount of money in printing costs.  PRAISE GOD!!!  God is providing and it gets me excited and anxious to see what he has coming around the next corner.

     We have settled on a name for the church in Brownstown.  It will be New Life Missionary Baptist.  The reason I felt God was leading us to this name, was because it signifies what the new believer has upon accepting Christ as their savior, a "New Life."   2 Cor. 5:17  17Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  That "New Life" becomes new when a person unites with a local church to learn and understand God's principle's for living.

     We want to teach this passage to the lost and unchurched people of Brownstown as well as the Children of God who need to dig deeper into the message of this passage as well.  We do not need to hang onto the old life that is dead, but need to learn to walk in the New Life that Christ paid for with his blood!

     Pray for us as we get ready to head out on the deputation trail.  There are a few things that need to be put in place over the next few weeks, before we start filling up the deputation schedule.  We are working on our mission presentation, prayer cards, and all the things needed to be able to cast the vision before the people. We are praying for the churches that we will be presenting this work to, that God will prepare them to support us in this endeavor.  Other prayer needs are for the building and wisdom in what to do in getting it ready to hold services. Pray for financial support to come, and for the hearts of the people to be ready to serve God in what ever way he calls them to serve. Pray for the People of Brownstown that their hearts will be ready to receive the Gospel message!

     I hope this weekly blog will help keep you all informed about what God is doing in Brownstown.  It is my hope and desire to post what God is doing on a weekly basis.  Please feel free to pass this link Brownstown Indiana  along to any and every one.  The more you help me get this out the better informed people become.  Thank You and may God bless your day!

          Serving Him

           Brother Mike


Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome To The Blog

     I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to my family. My name is Pastor Mike Weiler. (I am the bald guy in the back) To the right is my wife Donna and then starting on the left is my oldest son Donovan, then David, And finally Daniel.  We are missionaries to Brownstown Indiana, sent out by Redfield Missionary Baptist Church in Redfield, AR.

     Wow! What can I say but God is good by allowing us to get started by giving us a wonderful sponsoring church.  Let me tell you about how this process Got started to bring you up to speed.

Back in the spring of 2010 I was pastoring a small church just south of Bloomington, Indiana.  God was good and was working through that ministry. Then that spring God laid a burden on my heart to get into mission work. After praying about it for a little while I realized that God was moving me into this burden.  I resigned my pastorate after just a little over a year.  God moved me temporarily to Victory Missionary Baptist Church in Seymour Indiana.  After spending some more time praying as to God's direction he laid the burden for Brownstown Indiana and began laying the foundation for Brownstown Indiana missions.
     We started the process of seeking a sponsoring church.  Man, was this a time that God taught me patience, and what waiting on his timing was about.  I prayed from June of 2010 to March of 2011 for God to open a door for a sponsoring church.  During that time I had some communication with some pastors about being our sending church, but God didn't open any doors.  It was a time of praying and searching For God's will and direction.

     It was then in March of 2011 that Brother Kenny Roberson pastor of Victory MBC told me that Pastor Micah Deaton of Redfield MBC had talked to him and told him they were looking to support an interstate missionary.  Brother Kenny relayed this information to me and I contacted Brother Micah. 

     After several months of communication, answering questions, asking questions, praying, and seeking Gods will Brother Micah and his family came to Brownstown to survey the field with my family and I.  Wow! God truly laid out the vision that day.  After some more praying and seeking Gods will, the doors finally opened.  On Sept 11, 2011 the members of Redfield MBC voted unanimously to be our sending church.  Praise God!!!!  He has put together the team he had in mind to move this mission work forward.

     During the months of communication with Brother Micah God started opening doors.  He provided a meeting place.  It needs some work but the price is right.  FREE!!  Yes you read right, Free!!  He has provided a pulpit , communion table, and a passion on people's hearts to get the building ready to meet in.

     I humbly ask you to join us in this mission endeavor.  We need your prayers, labor, and financial support.  God has called us all to Go.  Will you Go with us? If you wish to help financially please e-mail me and i will give to the address to mail to.

Thank you in advance for your support!

                                            Brother Mike